The Inner Peace Game

Changes often cause crises and crises often lead changes. Transform your life with this game-book that offers you the keys to inner peace. Being round and round in teacher practices and student 18 powerful lessons, you will drill the secret of a permanent state of grace, whatever the external circumstances.


This game-book is based on the concepts of "A Course in Miracles". When you are in conflict, you are the architect of your own prison. To get out, ask yourself the following question:

Do I want to make the experience of peace or is it that I want to make the experience of the conflict?


By choosing peace, you free yourself of the conflict, you open up to your true self and become master of the game of your life.


The game of internal peace be with you!


Foreword by Carlos Santana


Authors: Gerald G. Jampolsky - Marc Kucharz
Wellbeing Game-Book Collection
Publisher: Guy Tredaniel
Price: € 23.90

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