A human being remembers 10% of what he reads, 20% of what he hears, 30% of what he sees and 90% of what he experiments

Marc Kucharz Marc Kucharz

This is why playing games results in very powerful memorization of a message. Everyone remembers that Mayfair in London or Boardwalk in Atlantic City is the most expensive area in Monopoly.


Carrier of an universal language, the game is one of the communication supports which transcends socio-cultural and geographic barriers. It fosters an anchoring of the rules of life in society (respect, tolerance...).


The game facilitates adaptations to the changes, presenting a simplified and therefore more accessible reality. This approximate reality enables the player to acquire a comprehensive view of games mechanisms and better understand the way they function.


Between the possible and the impossible there is a play apprenticeship.


The game is in life and... the game helps life.


Marc Kucharz

NEW The Game of the Alchemist

Grâce à ce "jeu-livre" vous passerez par les sept étapes qui vous permettront d’atteindre la libération. Vous pourrez alors accéder à la lumière, la pierre philosophale, c’est-à-dire le trésor inestimable que nous possédons tous en nous: la Vie.


Patrick Burensteinas et Marc Kucharz

Illustré par Charlélie Couture —A paraitre début 2019

Cliquez ici pour découvriri ce jeu-livre

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